HomeConquerBITSAT Smart Study Plan
ConquerBITSAT Smart Study Plan
ConquerBITSAT Smart Study Plan

ConquerBITSAT Smart Study Plan

Product Description

Revision oriented study plan with more emphasis on MCQ Structured way to study for BITSAT Appropriate time allocation for theory, questions, time allocation for mock tests, time allocation for weakness strengthening and time allocation for speed tests Learn ways to improve speed and accuracy with less effort Learn tricks to ethically boost your BITSAT score drastically Learn best BITSAT attempting strategy for higher score Also useful for VIT, MANIPAL, and other mcq based entrance tests Study plan for students with 2-5 months before BITSAT. Good to have even if you have less than the time allocated as it is more strategy focused.​

Know more: http://www.conqueriitjee.co.in/learn/Conquer-BITSAT-Smart-Study-Plan-and-Guidance


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