NIOS CLASS 12TH Chemistry (313) SOLVED TMA In English Medium PDF SESSION 2023-24

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NIOS CLASS 12TH Chemistry (313) SOLVED TMA In English Medium PDF SESSION 2023-24

Which is Applicable for March/April & October/November 2024 Examination.

This platform provides Nios Chemistry (313) TMA Solved with project work for class 12th. Here you can Get Nios Solved Tutor Mark Assignment (TMA) in Good Quality which helps to achieve More and More Marks. Nios Assignment’s Answer Prepared by well Skilled and Experienced Teachers.

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  2. This is only for students. We do not allow resale.

Salient Features:

➛ This Nios Tutor Marked Assignment (TMA) is Only valid for 2023-24 Academic Session.
➛ which is Applicable for March/April & October/November 2024 Examination.
➛ Best Answer in PDF Format of NIOS TMA.
➛ Assignments are prepared by well experienced and Nios Experts.
➛ Answers are available in English Medium.
➛ We guide you to prepare good assignment file.
➛ All Assignments are in Computerized and printable format.
➛ After payment instantly downloaded from dashboard or Email.

Note -

➛ Total six questions are given by Nios in TMA. All questions have 2 options out of which one has to be selected. In this PDF, we have given you the answer of one option which is better so that your marks will be good.

➛ You have to write the question and answer on the A4 size sheet as given in this PDF.

➛ After writing, the page has to be scanned and made a PDF and upload on the portal of NIOS.

TMA Questions

Q1. Answer any one out of the following questions in about 40-50 words.

(i) Identify the group and valency of the element having atomic number 119. Also, predict the outermost electronic configuration and write the general formula of its oxide.

(ii) Electron gain enthalpy of chlorine has more negative value as compared to that of
fluorine (F), explain the reason.

Q2. Answer any one out of the following questions in about 40-50 words.

(i) How do metallic and ionic substances differ in conducting electricity?
(ii) What is a unit cell? How many atoms are there in a FCC unit cell?

Q3. Answer any one out of the following questions in about 40-50 words.

(i) The enthalpy change for the transition of liquid water to steam at temperature 373K is 40.8 UJ mol-1. Calculate the entropy change for the process.

(ii) Name two factors which favor a spontaneous reaction.

Q4. Answer any one out of the following questions in about 100 -150 words.

(i) Define water pollution; list any three anthropogenic sources of water/pollution

(ii) A liquid is in equilibrium with its vapour in a sealed container at a fixed temperature. The volume of the container is suddenly increased.
(1) What is the initial effect of the change on vapour pressure?
(ii) How do rates of evaporation and condensation change initially?

Q5. Answer any one out of the following questions in about 100-150 words.

(i)Write the name of any one metal which can be refined by distillation method.

(ii) Describe the electrolytic refining method with labeled diagram of copper metal. Write the name of metal which is settled as anode mud.

Why are chromium oxide (Cr2O3) and manganese oxide (Mn3O4) reduced by aluminium metal power instead of carbon? Write the name of that process and chemical equations related to reduction of above metal oxides

Q6. Prepare any one of the projects out of two given below.

(a) You have visited a hospital of you town. You have found that some people were suffering from higher, and some have minor injuries, while you are also patient of hyper acidity and cold. Doctors prescribed different medicines to all the patients.

(i) What are the names of antipyretic drugs? (One drug)
(ii) Write the name of an antiseptic medicine.
(iii) Names of two antacids?
(iv) Write the name of one antihistamine.
(v) Quinine is the very common medicine of which type of fever?
(vi) What type of damage to body is possible if you are using phenol more than 1%

(b) Visit the nearby treatment process of Sewage and collect the following knowledge/
(i) How many stages are there of treatment of waste water?
(ii) What is coagulation?
(iii) What is substance?
(iv) What is softening?
(v) Which is used as disinfectant to kill bacteria?
(vi) How chlorine produces toxic and potentially active carcinogens?

NOTE- You will get the answers of all these questions after purchasing the PDF.
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Most Important Facts relating to TMA:

➛ This assignment solution is based on the latest session 2023-24.
➛ The Last date of submission of this assignment is 31 January 2024 (For April examination).
➛ The Last date of submission of this assignment is 31 August 2024 (For Oct. examination).
➛ Submit the assignment file at Your NIOS students portal.
➛ Good Quality Assignments help students to gain better Marks because of its 20% weightage in final Marksheet.
➛ All the assignments are prepared by our well trained and experienced professional Teachers.
➛ Solutions are clear, No any errors, accurate, Most reliable, to the point factual and under the word limit which carry maximum marks.
➛ You can read assignments on your smart phone also.
➛ All assignments are available in PDF format which is easily printable.

How to Make NIOS Assignment File :

➦ Use only one sided lined project paper page.
➦ Do not write in white blank page . avoid it
➦ Use only black and blue ball point pen
➦ Write the answer clearly that will appear good in the sight of teacher.
➦ Avoid zig-zag writing.
➦ Must compile First alluring page (i.e. colorful and attractive)

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➛ Send Your Subject Name & Codes , Medium, Student Name & Address on My WHATSAPP NO - 9599279672
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