Nios Class 12th INTRODUCTION TO LAW (338) Handwritten Solved TMA English Medium Session 2024-25

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Nios Class 12th INTRODUCTION TO LAW (338) Handwritten Solved TMA English Medium Session 2024-25

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This platform provides Nios INTRODUCTION TO LAW (338) TMA Solved with project work for class 12th. Here you can Get Nios Solved Tutor Mark Assignment (TMA) in Good Quality which helps to achieve More and More Marks. Nios Assignment’s Answer Prepared by well Skilled and Experienced Teachers.

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This is only for students. We do not allow resale.

Salient Features:

➛ This Nios Tutor Marked Assignment (TMA) is Only valid for 2024-25 Academic Session.
➛ which is Applicable for March/April & October/November 2025 Examination.
➛ Best Answer in PDF Format of NIOS TMA.
➛ Assignments are prepared by well experienced and Nios Experts.
➛ Answers are available in English Medium.
➛ We guide you to prepare good assignment file.
➛ All Assignments are in Computerized and printable format.
➛ After payment instantly downloaded from dashboard or Email.
➛ Neat and clean writing
➛ Answers to the points
➛ According to Latest Syllabus and given words Limit
➛ Accurate Answers without any mistakes
➛ Proper format as per nios Guidelines
➛ All 6 Questions Solved
➛ Project work Question Solved with proper format.
➛ Front Page given free in Telegram group
➛ No Need to write
➛ You have to only upload same PDF downloaded on Nios portal.
➛ Solved in A4 Size Pages.
➛ Used Black and Blue pen
➛ Drawn pictures and tables wherever given.
➛ Guaranteed Full Marks

Note -

➛ Total six questions are given by Nios in TMA. All questions have 2 options out of which one has to be selected. In this PDF, we have given you the answer of one option which is better so that your marks will be good.

➛ You have to write the question and answer on the A4 size sheet as given in this PDF.

➛ After writing, the page has to be scanned and made a PDF and upload on the portal of NIOS.

TMA Questions

1. Answer any one of the following questions in about 40-60 words.

a. Examine how the Council of Ministers is collectively responsible to the Legislative
Assembly of the State.
b. Examine forms of “Specific Relief” for enforcing Individual Civil rights.

2. Answer any one of the following questions in about.

a. Critically examine the role of Lok Adalats in providing cheaper and speedy justice to
the people.

b. Analyse the Original and Appellate Jurisdiction of the High Court.

3. Answer any one of the following questions in about 40-60 words.

a. Why, in your opinion, does India have a common all-Indian services provision?

b. Critically analyse salient features of Indian Constitution.

4. Differentiate between the Substantive Law, and Procedural Law. Write down two examples.

a) Examine the Emergency provisions of Indian Constitution.

b) Critically analyse the differences in the functioning of Courts and Tribunals.

5. Answer any one of the following questions in about 100 to 150 words. Word limit is not applicable for numerical questions.

(a) Critically analyse Federalism in Indian Constitution.

(b) Critically compare Hindu and Muslim Law of Succession.

6. Prepare any one project out of the following project given below:

a. Govt. of West Bengal leases 5 acres of Kolkata Zoological Garden Property to the Taj
Group to build Hotels.
The Secretary of the Union of workers of the zoological Garden wants to contest the
grant of Land.
i) What grounds can be cited
ii) What Directive Principles can be taken.
iii) Examine the fundamental duties that can be cited.
iv) Cite relevant Case Law.

b. A Businessman Sukhvinder, resident of Punjab aged 40 years, booked from an app M/s Sone Cabs, a Sona Prime Sedan for a journey of 80 km. He was promised an air conditioned vehicle. Sukhvinder found that during the entire trip in the cab, the air conditioner was not functioning putting him extreme discomfort. He had no option to lodge a complaint during the course of journey and was forced to pay Rs. 2000 as cab fare. Soon after Sukhvinder contacted Sona’s customer care, telling the representatives that AC was part of the fare and he needed a refund. However, the cab firm representatives told him that he charged as per rate chart and there was no additional charge for AC.
Sukhvinder approached higher authorities of Sona Cab via mail for refund. Sona Cab in an email accepted that AC was included in the service but refused a refund and instead offered Sukhvinder a coupon of Rs. 100. Sukhvinder approached to District Consumer Dispute Commission.

i) Write down the various grounds which can be taken by Sukhvinder for refund of money.
ii) What relief can Sukhvinder ask for?
iii) Cite relevant case law

NOTE- You will get the answers of all these questions after purchasing the PDF.

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Click on Buy Now (Green Button above) to buy TMA PDF Solution.

Most Important Facts relating to TMA:

➛ This assignment solution is based on the latest session 2024-25.
➛ The Last date of submission of this assignment is 31 January 2025 (For April examination).
➛ The Last date of submission of this assignment is 31 August 2025 (For Oct. examination).
➛ Submit the assignment file at Your NIOS students portal.
➛ Good Quality Assignments help students to gain better Marks because of its 20% weightage in final Marksheet.
➛ All the assignments are prepared by our well trained and experienced professional Teachers.
➛ Solutions are clear, No any errors, accurate, Most reliable, to the point factual and under the word limit which carry maximum marks.
➛ You can read assignments on your smart phone also.
➛ All assignments are available in PDF format which is easily printable.

How to Make NIOS Assignment File :

➦ Use only one sided lined project paper page.
➦ Do not write in white blank page . avoid it
➦ Use only black and blue ball point pen
➦ Write the answer clearly that will appear good in the sight of teacher.
➦ Avoid zig-zag writing.
➦ Must compile First alluring page (i.e. colorful and attractive)

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