CAT 2021: LRDI Only Course

₹ 6,499

1. Live Sessions on Zoom for the full course.
2. Recordings of all the session will be available till January.
3. Sessions will be held in night hours, post 9:30 PM to accomodate working professionals.
4. Batch size of 40 students to cater personalised attention
5. Syllabus will be completed in 4-5 months.
6. Exhaustive assignments curated on each & every topic.
7. Personalized Time table and Daily targets.
8. 24*7 connect with all the mentors & doubt discussions till your CAT exam.
9. An amazing peer group and easy-to-connect IIM mentors.
Course Highlights
1. 150+ CAT Level Tricky and conceptual Sets
2. 15 hours of LIVE OMET Based DILR
3. Recorded Advanced Sets
4. Marathon Practice events 2 month before CAT