CAT 2021 - QA Only

₹ 7,499

What's included
1. Live Sessions on Zoom for the full course.
2. Recordings of all the session will be available till January.
3. Sessions will be held in night hours, post 9:30 PM to accomodate working professionals.
4. Batch size of 40 students to cater personalised attention
5. Syllabus will be completed in 4-5 months.
6. Exhaustive assignments curated on each & every topic.
7. Personalized Time table and Daily targets.
8. 24*7 connect with all the mentors & doubt discussions till your CAT exam.
9. An amazing peer group and easy-to-connect IIM mentors.

Course Highlights
1. The only course that provides 4 times revision.
2. 100+ Hours of LIVE Sessions covering every topic.
3. Recorded Remedial Sessions.
4. 1500+ practice questions as assignment.
5. Marathon Practice events 2 month before CAT.