HomeMCQ on Literary Terms in English
MCQ on Literary Terms in English
MCQ on Literary Terms in English

MCQ on Literary Terms in English

Product Description

MCQ on Literary Devices in English Language and Literature

It's important to practice multiple choice questions on literary terms in English literature. It's also necessary to have clear ideas about the figure of speech in the English language and literature.

accumulation: adnomination: alliteration: Example: adynaton: anacoluthon: anadiplosis: anaphora: anastrophe: anti-climax: Example: anthimeria: antimetabole: antirrhesis: antistrophe: antithesis: aphorisms: aposiopesis: apposition: assonance: asteismus: asterisms: asyndeton: cacophony: cataphora: classification: chiasmus: climax: commemoration: conduplicate: consonance: correlative verse: diacope: dubitative dysgenesis: ellipsis: elision: enallage: enjambment: epanalepsis: epanodos: epistrophe: epizeuxis: euphony: half rhyme: hendiadys: hendiatris: homeoprotein: homographs: homoioteleuton: homonyms: homophones: homeoteleuton: hypallage: hyperbaton: hyperbole: hypozeuxis: hysteron proteron: isocolon: internal rhyme: kenning: merism: mimesis: onomatopoeia: paradiastole: parallelism: paraprosdokian: pareidolia: parenthesis: proemial: parrhesia: pleonasm: polyptoton: polysyndeton: pun: rhythm: sibilance: sine dicendo: solecism: spoonerism: superlative: synathroesmus: syncope symploce: synchysis: synesis: synecdoche: synonymia: tautology: tmesis: zeugma:

Figure of Speech MCQ

Load Metrics (uses 8 credits) KEYWORD 10 examples of interrogation figure of speech identify the figure of speech figure of speech examples laughter holding both her sides figure of speech exclamation figure of speech identify the figure of speech of this expression the child is the father of man hasten slowly figure of speech figures of speech notes

Literary Terms in English Language PDF

Load Metrics (uses 13 credits) KEYWORD literary terms in english literature literary terms in english literature pdf literary terms in english literature with examples pdf literary terms in english literature with examples literary terms in english literature slideshare literary terms in english language literary terms in english literature ppt literary terms in english literature in hindi important literary terms in english literature pdf glossary of literary terms in english literature important literary terms in english literature glossary of literary terms in english literature pdf important literary terms in english literature with examples

For More https://englishnotesguru.com/figure-of-speech-questions-and-answers/


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