Positive Circle Program

₹ 15,000

Life Coaching | 6 sessions | 60 mins per session

Thank you for trusting me and investing in yourself. You are currently, paying for 3 sessions - the first installment for the 6-session Life Coaching program. Once the payment goes through, you will receive a link to book the session - to choose the date and time from the slots available.

Looking forward to our first call!

P.S: If you've reached this page via any other link other than my website and are wondering what is this program about, read on.

Clarity and willingness, these are most often the two biggest reasons why we don't live the kind of life we want to live. The six weekly sessions of Positive Circle program are set in a way that you move from understanding what you want to building conviction to make it happen.

This program is recommended for anyone who is ready to level up for it involves diving deep into our minds to understand our belief systems and the values that influence our decisions. The six weeks you invest in yourself will change the way you view yourself and your world. Tiny shifts in our perceptions make everything look different; it makes living a different life a possibility.

If you'd like to get in touch, you can write to me on <chetna@circleofpositivity.com>