6th Month Therapy- Womb First Parenting

₹ 3,000


6th month Your Baby :

Your baby’s senses and foundation for IQ are developing fast. This month he looks more solid and baby – like. He responds much for mom & dad’s love…. so you are taking “Gyana therapy”(IQ therapy) here.

Your growing baby

At the end of 24 weeks, your baby’s eyes will have opened for the first time.
His heart rate has dropped to about 140 – 150 beats a minute.
He has fingers and toes, but these are still slightly webbed.
He is still constantly swallowing and then excreting the amniotic fluid as urine.
Within his bowel, the meconium, which will make up his first stool, is already beginning to form.
Within his lungs the small air sacs, or alveoli, are forming.
Sweat glands are forming in your baby’s skin.
He is now able to cough and hiccup.
The lanugo (downy layer of body hair) darkens. Beneath it your baby’ skin is reddish in colour rather than translucent as before.
He has a cycle of sleeping and waking, which you might become aware of over the next few weeks.
As your baby grows, the placental blood vessels will respond by supplying him with more of the nutrients he needs.