HomeKLSFP - Penetration Testing Certification [Live Training 101 ]
KLSFP - Penetration Testing Certification [Live Training 101 ]
KLSFP - Penetration Testing Certification [Live Training 101 ]

KLSFP - Penetration Testing Certification [Live Training 101 ]

Product Description

KLSFP - Black Box Penetration Testing Certification

Hacker Computer School brings you KLSFP - Kalu Linux Security Fighter Professional Penetration Testing Training and Certification Course online that will help you master your pen-testing skills.

Our modules are designed in a dynamic order to help you get used to real-world training. Our easy-to-use platform makes it convenient for you to deal with the respective course as and when you want from your home itself. We have the best professionals to train and guide you through the course and make it easy for you to crack the certification that will pave the way for a successful future ahead.

KLSFP Certification ID


Create Hacking Lab

Windows 10 | 11 | Server 2022 | Kali Linux | Ubuntu | Mac | Android | IPhone

Kalu Linux Lab -

Basic Linux Command

Linux Service

Linux Package Update

Web Service

Persistence Service Management

Bash Shell

Bash Shell Lab1

Bash Shell Lab2

Bind Shell And Reverse Shell (Wire-shark)

Passive Information Gathering

Google Search

Google Hacking



Active Information Gathering

DNS Enumeration

Forward DNS Lookup

Reverse DNS Lookup

DNS Zone Transfers

TCP Connect Scanning

UDP Scanning

Nmap Port Scanner

Network Sweeping

Nmap OS Banner Discovery

Nmap NSE Script

SMB Enumeration


Nmap SMB NSE Scripts

SMTP Enumeration

SNMP Enumeration

Network Scan

Hardware Firewall

Firewall Bypass

AUX Modules

Android Exploit

IPhone Exploit

Meterpreter Expert

Basic Command

Session Time Increase

File Upload

File Download

Execute Program

Record Audio

Watch Target Via Web Cam

Meterpreter Script

Track Covering Attack

Netcat Attack

Post exploitation attack

Take Admin Privilege

Collect USB Device Information

Collect Browser History

Collect Partition Information

Recover Delete File On Target PC And Download

Search Admin Account On Target PC

Redirect The Target From To Any Website

Stealing The Stored Passwords Visited Websites

Hack System For Life Time

Collect Wifi Network Information

Privilege Escalation Windows & Linux



Social Engineering Attack

Pharming Attack

Phishing Attack

Buffer Overflow Exploit

Linux / Windows



Password Attack




Passing The Hash




Wireless Network Hacking

WEP Exploit

WPA Exploit

WPA2 Exploit

Advance Attack

Email Bomber

CISCO Switch Jam

CiSCO Switch DHCP Attack

Dos/Doss Attack

Design Vulnerable Lab

Like Hack The Box

Try Hack Me

Vulnerable Lab

Vulnerability Scanning

Windows - 7 | 8 | 10 | 11

Server - 2012, 2022, Ubuntu, Centos

Exploit Client Side Vulnerability

Windows 10 Exploit

Windows 11 Exploit

Exploit Server Side Vulnerability

Server 2012

Server 2019

Server 2022



Client Side Attack WAN

Generate Payload For - Windows | MAC | LINUX | Android | IPhone | Web

Windows 10 Exploit

Mac OS Exploit

Linux Exploit

Advance Attack

Process Injection and Migration

Advanced Antivirus Evasion

Bypassing Network Filters

Kiosk Breakouts

Microsoft SQL Attacks

MITM Attack

Arp Poisoning

MITMF Badfactory Error Remove

ARP Spoofing Using

Session Hijacking

DNS Spoofing

Capturing Screen

Capturing keystroks

Injecting Javascript_HTML Code

Bettercap -

Transparent HTTP(S) Proxy

Password Sniffing


Play Any Sound In The Target

Capture a screenshot

Redirect Webpage

Run any YouTube video Target Web Page

Stealing the target online

Use Metasploit

Bug Bounty [Web Application Attacks]

a. SQL injection

b. CSRF Attack

c. Cross-site scripting (XSS)

d. ClickJack

e. HTML Injection

f. File Inclusion

g. Parameter Tampering

h. Host Header Injection

I. URL Redirection

j. SPF And Etc.

Active Directory Attacks

Exploit Server With Active Directory

Active Directory Enumeration

Remote and File Sharing Service Attacks

SSH | RDP | SMB | PsExec | Telnet | FTP

Attacking IoT Systems

Firmware Analysis

Cobalt Strike Framework Pro


Post Exploitation

Covert Communication

Attack Packages

Spear phishing

Browser Pivoting


Reporting and Logging


Secure Payments

Shipping in India

Great Value & Quality
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