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Trademark Rectification

Trademark Rectification
Trademark Rectification
Trademark Rectification with change of Auth Agent
Trademark Rectification, Change Auth Agent and Obj
Product Description

A trademark is usually a phrase, a word, a design or a symbol or it could also be a combination of phrases, symbols, words or designs, that helps to identify and differentiate the source of the goods of one party or firm or company from any other. A trademark should be unusual and not descriptive and should be attached to the item that is being sold or offered for, in terms of services. The said Trademark should also be registered with the appropriate authority in order to obtain protection rights and proper legal ownership. A trademark application is passed through different stages before a trademark is registered. The applicant needs to reply or take action during few stages of trademark registration. One of such initial stages of trademark registration is Formalities Chk Fail. This means that the basic documentary requirements of trademark application are inappropriate or incomplete. The reason for formalities chk fail status should be ascertained and appropriate action should be taken so that the trademark application is moved forward for registration. MyEfilings can provide consultation for Trademark Rectification and process the trademark application after rectifying the application.


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