Google product reviews update to roll out soon: what it means for your eCommerce site

google product review update
(Last Updated On: August 30, 2022)

Google announced that the fifth version of the product reviews update will roll out this week. This major Google algorithm update is tied with the helpful content update which also began on August.

Which websites does this update affect? For eCommerce websites, how does this algorithm update influence search rankings? Let’s find out.

Product reviews update: what you need to know

Firstly, let’s look at what a Google algorithm update is. Google regularly updates its algorithm to bring better search results for users. The aim is to rank websites that are genuinely helpful and demote the ones that are written purely for search rankings. Every time there’s an algorithm update, Google announces it publicly on their updates page. Typically, after an update, some websites see a decrease in traffic.

The product review update is Google’s latest algorithm update. The target is to rank product review related content published on the web that is more useful to searchers. Review content is published mostly by affiliate sites and review websites. This update will also affect eCommerce websites slightly.

Regarding the product reviews update, Google said, “focus overall is on providing users with content that provides insightful analysis and original research, content written by experts or enthusiasts who know the topic well.” In short, Google wants users to find meaningful reviews without having to scroll through a lot of fluff.

Product reviews update: impact on your eCommerce website and what you need to do

Earlier this year, Google published a blog post which is about providing better product information for shoppers. They explain how giving accurate product descriptions is a must for ranking better. Instead of generic details, give in-depth review of your products.

tips for product reviews by Google
Source: Google Search Central

All this points to better product descriptions and images or other visuals.

Optimise your website for search engines

Google algorithm updates will always keep coming. But if your eCommerce website follows the basics of SEO, you won’t have much to worry about. To gain a better understanding of SEO, here’s a video on how to improve search ranking for your online store.

Need a more insightful guide on eCommerce SEO? Here’s a free eBook that will help you understand every aspect of SEO with actionable tips.

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